Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Grampians - September 2007

Well i'm in the Gramps and the weather has been great.
I got here and was feeling a little out of shape due to not climbing for a week cause of my injured finger but it has healed well and i can really yank on it again. Yesterday i did a problem called Sleepy Rave 8C which Dai did on his trip out here to the gramps a while back. The problem is a link of Sleepy Hollow into Cave Man into Dead Can't Dance and is almost the whole cave link up which is called The Wheel Of Life 8C+. I just have to link a V8/V9 into the start of it.
So i have one more week left down here in the Gramps to try and climb The Wheel, but there are many other boulders i want to climb so we will see what happens.....stay tuned!!!


Connor Macpherson said...

Hey Chris, just wondering if I can post your send of Sleepy Rave on


Duncan said...

Thats friggin awesome amigo :-)

Now go finish the wheel punk!